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Tip Tuesday

Every Tuesday, the Vacation Specialists at Coasters & Castles Travel will share one of their Tips for a great vacation. These have been compiled over many, many trips and will help you have a seamless, wonderful vacation.

From Mary Graham, Vacation Specialist:

Some visitors to Walt Disney World want to do it ALL! They have done their research and they have a plan that is timed down to the minute. Other visitors want to take it a little easier. Maybe sleep in and take breaks. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy Walt Disney World. My BEST advice is to have a plan with a bit of a structure to your day. Make sure your dining and Fast Passes are reserved in advance. Have an idea of your top 3 or 4 things you want to do in each park.

Once you are actually in the parks, slow down! That's right! Slow down. Take a minute to really look around you. Be WITH your family and friends. After all, it's supposed to be fun. Some of my favorite memories are of the little things, the times when we forgot the plan and just enjoyed the moment.

So, absolutely have a plan in place so you're not the family huddled around the map for 20 minutes trying to make a decision. But, be willing to drop your plan if it's not working, if people are tired or if you discover a little piece of magic. Most of all, have fun together!

Mary Graham is a Vacation Specialist with Coasters & Castles Travel. As an Annual Passholder, she visits several times each year and she would love to help you plan your magical Disney vacation!

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